

A. Joesaar, M. Holub, L. Lutze, M. Emanuele, J. Kerssemakers, M. Pabst, C. Dekker

A microfluidic platform for extraction and analysis of bacterial genomic DNA

Lab on a chip, submitted

N. De Franceschi, A. Blanch-Jover, C. Dekker

Interaction hierarchy among Cdv proteins drives recruitment to membrane necks in vitro

eLife, submitted

A. Martin Gonzalez, M. Tišma, B.T. Analikwu, A. Barth, R. Janissen, H. Antar, G. Kemps, S. Gruber, C. Dekker

DNA supercoiling enhances DNA condensation by ParB proteins

Nucl. Acid Res., accepted, in print

A. Japaridze, V. Struijk, K. Swamy, I. E. Roslon, O. Shoshani, C. Dekker, F. Alijani

Synchronization of E. coli bacteria moving in coupled wells

Small, under review

X. Chen, J. W. van de Sande, J. Ritmejeris, C. Wen, H. Brinkerhoff, A. H. Laszlo, B. Albada, C. Dekker

Resolving sulfation PTMs on a plant peptide hormone using nanopore sequencing

ACS Nano, under review

J. Ritmejeris, X. Chen, C. Dekker

Single-molecule protein sequencing with nanopores

Nature Reviews Bioengineering, accepted, in print

Z. Yu, A. Baptist, S. Reinhardt, E. Bertosin, C. Dekker, R. Jungmann, A. Heuer-Jungemann, S. Caneva

Compliant DNA Origami Nanoactuators as Size-Selective Nanopores

Advanced Mater., in print

I.F. Davidson, R. Barth, S. Horn, R. Janissen, B. Bauer, C. Dekker, J.-M. Peters

Cohesin supercoils DNA during loop extrusion

under review

R. Janissen, R. Barth, I.F. Davidson, M. Taschner, S. Gruber, J.-M. Peters, C. Dekker

All eukaryotic SMC proteins induce a twist of -0.6 at each DNA-loop-extrusion step

Science advances, submitted

C. Wen, S. Schmid, C. Dekker

Understanding Electrophoresis and Electroosmosis in Nanopore Sensing with the help of the NEOtrap

ACS Nano, in print


R. Janissen, R. Barth, M. Polinder, J. van der Torre, C. Dekker

Single-molecule visualization of twin-supercoiled domains generated during transcription

Nucleic Acids Research, gkad1181, Published: 12 December 2023

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R. Barth, I.F. Davidson, J. van der Torre, M. Taschner, S. Gruber, J.-M. Peters, C. Dekker

SMC motor proteins extrude DNA asymmetrically and can switch direction

Cell, accepted, in print

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M. Tišma, R. Janissen, H. Antar, A. Martin-Gonzalez, R. Barth, T. Beekman, J. van der Torre, D. Michieletto, S. Gruber, C. Dekker

Dynamic ParB–DNA interactions initiate and maintain a partition condensate for bacterial chromosome segregation

Nucleic Acids Research 51, 11856–11875 (2023)

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M. Tišma, J. Kaljević, S. Gruber, T. Le, C. Dekker

Connecting the dots: key insights on ParB for chromosome segregation from single-molecule studies

FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 48, fuad067, (Jan. 2024)

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I.E. Roslon, A. Japaridze, L. Naarden, L. Smeets, C. Dekker, A. van Belkum, P.G. Steeneken, F. Alijani

Prospects and Challenges for Graphene Drums As Sensors Of Individual Bacteria

Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 010501 (2024)

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B. T. Analikwu, A. Deshayes, J. van der Torre, T. Guérin, A.J. Katan, C. Béneut, R. Barth, J. Phipps, V. Scolari, X. Veaute, C. Barrington, D. Busso, F. Uhlmann, K. Dubrana, S. Mattarocci, C, Dekker, S. Marcand

Telomeres stall DNA loop extrusion by condensin

Cell, under review

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C. Dekker, C.H. Haering, J.-M. Peters, B.D. Rowland

How do molecular motors fold the genome?

Science 382, 646-648 (2023)

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P.J. Kolbeck, M. Tišma, B.T. Analikwu, W. Vanderlinden, C. Dekker, J. Lipfert

Supercoiling-dependent DNA binding: quantitative modeling and applications to bulk and single-molecule experiments

Nucl. Acid Res. 52, 59–72 (2024)

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S. Yang, N. Klughammer, A. Barth, M.E. Tanenbaum, C. Dekker

Zero-mode waveguide nanowells for single-molecule detection in living cells

ACS Nano, 17, 20179–20193

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I.E. Roslon, A.Japaridze, S.Rodenhuis, L. Hamoen, M.K. Ghatkesar, P.G. Steeneken, C. Dekker, F. Alijani

Microwell-enhanced optical detection of single bacteria

iScience 26, 108268 (2023)

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N. Klughammer, A. Barth, M. Dekker, A. Fragasso, P.R. Onck, C. Dekker

Diameter Dependence of Transport through Nuclear Pore Complex Mimics Studied Using Optical Nanopores

eLife 12:RP87174 (2023)

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M. Tišma, F.P. Bock, J. Kerssemakers, H. Antar, A. Japaridze, S. Gruber, C. Dekker

Direct observation of a crescent-shape chromosome in Bacillus subtilis

Nature Comm.,

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I.C. Nova, J. Ritmejeris, H. Brinkerhoff, T.J.R. Koenig, J.H. Gundlach, C. Dekker

Detection of phosphorylation post-translational modifications along single peptides with nanopores

Nature Biotechn., DOI (2023)

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C. Wen, E. Bertosin, X. Shi, C. Dekker, S. Schmid

Orientation-locked DNA origami for stable trapping of small proteins in the NEOtrap

Nano Lett. 23, 788–794 (2023)

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I.F. Davidson, R. Barth, M. Zaczek, J. van der Torre, W. Tang, K. Nagasaka, R. Janissen, J. Kerssemakers, G. Wutz, C. Dekker, J.-M. Peters

CTCF is a DNA-tension-dependent barrier to cohesin-mediated DNA loop extrusion

Nature 616, 822–827 (2023)

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B. Pradhan, R. Barth, E. Kim, I.F. Davidson, J. van der Torre, J.-M. Peters, C. Dekker

Testing pseudotopological and nontopological models for SMC-driven DNA loop extrusion against roadblock-traversal experiments

Scientific Rep. 13, 8100 (2023)

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E. Kim, R. Barth, C. Dekker

Looping the genome with SMC complexes

Ann. Rev. Biochem. 92, 15-41 (2023)

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X. Shi, A.-K. Pumm, C. Maffeo, F. Kohler, e. Feigl, W. Zhao, D. Verschueren, R. Golestanian, A. Aksimentiev, H. Dietz, C. Dekker

A DNA turbine powered by a transmembrane potential across a nanopore

Nature Nanotechnology, (2023)

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N. De Franceschi. R. Barth, S. Meindlhumer, A. Fragasso, C. Dekker

Dynamin A as a one-component division machinery for synthetic cells

Nature Nanotechnology 19, 70–76 (2024)

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N. De Franceschi, B. Hoogenberg, C. Dekker

Engineering ssRNA tile filaments for (dis)assembly and membrane binding

Nanoscale, DOI 10.1039/D3NR06423A, Advance Article Febr.7 2024

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P. He, A. Katan, L. Tubiana, C. Dekker, D. Michieletto

Single-Molecule Structure and Topology of Kinetoplast DNA Networks

Phys. Rev. X 13, 021010 (2023)

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A. Japaridze, R. van Wee, C. Gogou, J.W.J. Kerssemakers, C. Dekker

MukBEF-dependent chromosomal organization in widened E. coli bacteria

Frontier Microbiol. 14: 1107093 (2023)

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M. Holub, A. Birnie, A. Japaridze, J. van der Torre, M. den Ridder, C. de Ram, M. Pabst, C. Dekker

Extracting and characterizing protein-free megabasepair DNA for in vitro experiments

Cell Rep. Meth. 2, 100366 (2022)

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S. Meindlhumer, J. Kerssemakers, C. Dekker

Quantitative analysis of surface wave patterns of Min proteins

Frontiers in Physics 20, (2022)

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A. Blanch Jover, C. Dekker

The archaeal Cdv cell division system

Trends in Microbiol. 31, 601-615 (2023)

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R. Patton McCord, M. Taipale, S. Teichmann, R. Vorhees, Y. Wan C. Dekker, N.E.Sanjana

Voices on technology: The molecular biologists’ ever-expanding toy box

Molec. Cell 82, 221 (2022)

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N. De Franceschi, W. Pezeshkian, A. Fragasso, B.M.H. Bruininks, S. Tsai, S.J. Marrink, C. Dekker

A synthetic membrane shaper for controlled liposome deformation

ACS Nano 17, 966–978 (2023)

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S. Meindlhumer, F. Brauns, J. Finžgar, J. Kerssemakers, C. Dekker, E. Frey

Directing Min protein patterns with advective bulk flow

Nature Comm. 14, 450 (2023); see also

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A. Fragasso, H.W. de Vries, J. Andersson, E.O. van der Sluis, E. van der Giessen, P.R. Onck, C. Dekker

Transport receptor occupancy in Nuclear Pore Complex mimics

Nano Research 15, 9689–9703 (2022)

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W. Yang, C. Dekker

Single-molecule ionic and optical sensing with nanoapertures

Book chapter in ' Single Molecule Nanosensors and Nanosystems' (Eds. W. Bowen, R. Gordon, F. Vollmer; Springer book series Nanostructure Science and Technology), pages 367-387

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Y.-L. Ying, Z.-L. Hu, S. Zhang, Y. Qing, A. Fragasso, G. Maglia, A. Meller, H. Bayley, C. Dekker, Y.-T. Long

Nanopore-based technologies beyond DNA sequencing

Nature Nanotechnology 17, 1136–1146 (2022)

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L. Würthner, F. Brauns, G. Pawlik, J. Halatek, J. Kerssemakers, C. Dekker, E. Frey

Bridging scales in a multiscale pattern-forming system

PNAS 119, e2206888119 (2022)

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M. Tišma, M. Panoukidou, H. Antar, Y.-M. Soh, R. Barth, B. Pradhan, A. Barth, J. van der Torre, D. Michieletto, S. Gruber, C. Dekker

ParB proteins can bypass DNA-bound roadblocks via dimer-dimer recruitment

Science Advances 8, eabn3299 (2022)

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A. Blanch Jover, N. De Franceschi, D. Fenel, W. Weissenhorn, C. Dekker

The archaeal division protein CdvB1 assembles into polymers that are depolymerized by CdvC

FEBS Lett. 596, 958 (2022)

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M. Bengtson, M. Bharadwaj, O. Franch, J. van der Torre, V. Meerdink, H. Schallig, C. Dekker

CRISPR-dCas9 based DNA detection scheme for diagnostics in resource limited settings

Nanoscale 14, 1885 (2022)

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I.E. Rosłoń, A. Japaridze, P.G. Steeneken, C. Dekker, F. Alijani

Probing nanomotion of single bacteria with graphene drums

Nature Nanotechnology 17, 637–642 (2022)

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X. Shi, A.-K. Pumm, J. Isensee, W. Zhao, D. Verschueren, A. Martin-Gonzalez, R. Golestanian, H. Dietz, C. Dekker

Sustained unidirectional rotation of a self-organized DNA rotor on a nanopore

Nature Physics 18, 1105–1111 (2022)

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B. Pradhan, R. Barth, E. Kim, I.F. Davidson, B. Bauer, T. van Laar, W. Yang, J.-K. Ryu, J. van der Torre, J.-M. Peters, C. Dekker

SMC complexes can pass physical roadblocks bigger than their ring size, indicating a nontopological mechanism for DNA loop extrusion

Cell Reports DOI:

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H. Brinkerhoff, A.S.W. Kang, J. Liu, A. Aksimentiev, C. Dekker

Multiple rereads of single proteins at single–amino acid resolution using nanopores

Science 374, 1509-1513 (2021)

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F. Chardon, A. Japaridze, H. Witt, L. Velikovsky, C. Chakraborty, T. Wihelm, M. Dumont, W. Yang, C. Kikuti, S. Gangnard, G. Wuite, C. Dekker, D. Fachinetti

CENP-B-mediated DNA loops regulate activity and stability of human centromeres

Molec. Cell 82, 1751–1767 (2022)

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K.D. Whitley, S. Middlemiss, C. Jukes, C. Dekker, S. Holden

High-resolution imaging of bacterial spatial organization with Vertical Cell Imaging by Nanostructured Immobilisation

Nature Protocols 17, 847–869 (2022)

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S. Schmid, C. Dekker

The NEOtrap – en route with a new single-molecule technique

iScience 24, 103007 (2021)

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W. Yang, M. van Dijk, C. Primavera, C. Dekker

FIB-milled plasmonic nanoapertures allow for long trapping times of individual proteins

iScience, in print

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E. Kim, A. Martin Gonzalez, B. Pradhan, J. van der Torre, C. Dekker

Condensin-driven loop extrusion on supercoiled DNA

Nature Struct. Molec. Biol. in print for July 14

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C.N. Hulleman, R.Ø. Thorsen, E. Kim, C. Dekker, S. Stallinga, B. Rieger

Simultaneous orientation and 3D localization microscopy with a Vortex point spread function

Nature Comm. 12, 5934 (2021)

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C. Gogou, A. Japaridze, C. Dekker

Mechanisms for Chromosome Segregation in Bacteria

Frontiers Microbiol. 12, 685687 (2021)

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S. Schmid, P. Stömmer, H. Dietz, C. Dekker

Nanopore electro-osmotic trap for the label-free study of single proteins and their conformations

Nature Nanotechn. (2021)

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A. Fragasso, N. De Franceschi, P. Stömmer, E.O. van der Sluis, H. Dietz, C. Dekker

Reconstitution of ultrawide DNA origami pores in liposomes for transmembrane transport of macromolecules

ACS Nano online June 25, 2021,

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L. Van de Cauter, F. Fanalista, L. van Buren, N. De Franceschi, E. Godino, S. Bouw, C. Danelon, C. Dekker, G.H. Koenderink, K.A. Ganzinger

Optimized cDICE for efficient reconstitution of biological systems in giant unilamellar vesicles

ACS Synth. Biol. 10, 1690–1702 (2021)

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J.-K. Ryu, S.-H. Rah, R. Janissen, J.W.J. Kerssemakers, C. Dekker

Condensin extrudes DNA loops in steps up to hundreds of base pairs that are generated by ATP binding events

Nucl. Acid Res. 50, 820 (2022)

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W. Yang, B. Radha, A. Choudhary, G. Mettela, Y. You, A. Geim, A. Aksimentiev, A. Keerthi, C. Dekker

Translocation of DNA through ultrathin nanoslits

Advanced Mater. 2007682 (2021)

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A. Japaridze, W. Yang, C. Dekker, W. Nasser, G. Muskhelishvili

DNA sequence-directed cooperation between nucleoid-associated proteins

iScience 24, 102408 (2021)

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J.‐K. Ryu, C. Bouchoux, H.W. Liu, E. Kim, M. Minamino, R. de Groot, A.J. Katan, A. Bonato, D. Marenduzzo, D. Michieletto, F. Uhlmann, C. Dekker

Bridging-induced phase separation induced by cohesin SMC protein complexes

Science Advances 7, eabe5905 (2021)

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F. Brauns, G. Pawlik, J. Halatek, J. Kerssemakers, E. Frey, C. Dekker

Bulk-surface coupling identifies the mechanistic connection between Min-protein patterns in vivo and in vitro

Nature Comm. 12, 3312 (2021)

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L. Olivi, M. Berger, R.N.P. Creyghton, N. De Franceschi, C. Dekker, B.M. Mulder, N.J. Claassens, P.R. ten Wolde, J. van der Oost

Towards a synthetic cell cycle

Nature Comm.12, 4531 (2021)

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N. Klughammer, C. Dekker

Palladium zero-mode waveguides for optical single molecule detection with nanopores

Nanotechnology 32, 18LT01 (2021); see also corrigendum Nanotechnology 32, 449501 (2021)

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S. Schmid, C. Dekker

Nanopores – a Versatile Tool to Study Protein Dynamics

Essays in Biochemistry EBC20200020 (2020)

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S. Deshpande, C. Dekker

Studying Phase Separation in Confinement

Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 52, 101419 (2021)

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A. Birnie, C. Dekker

Genome-in-a-box: building a chromosome from the bottom up

ACS Nano 15, 1, 111–124 (2021)

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M. Bharadwaj, M. Bengtson, M. Golverdingen, L. Waling, C. Dekker

Diagnosing point-of-care diagnostics for neglected tropical diseases

Plos NTDs, under review

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K.D. Whitley, C. Jukes, N. Tregidgo, E. Karinou, P. Almada, R. Henriques, C. Dekker, S. Holden

FtsZ treadmilling is essential for Z-ring condensation and septal constriction initiation in bacterial cell division

Nature Comm. 12, 2448 (2021)

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J. Alfaro, P. Bohländer, M. Dai, M. Filius, C.J. Howard, X. van Kooten, S. Ohayon, A. Pomorski, S. Schmid, S.H. Kim, P. Samaras, B. Kuster, G. Bedran, M. Wilhelm, L. Sepiashvili, U. Kalathiya1, S. Kumar, A. Aksimentiev, D. Stein, N. Drachman, D. Goodlett, C. Masselon, S. Hentz, M. Chinappi, C. Chan, M. Mayer, S. Lindsey, D. Rodriguez Larrea, E.M. Marcotte, G. Maglia, G. Dittmar, J. Marino, Z. Kelman, M. Wanunu, N.L. Kelleher, R. Eelkema, P. Yin, E.V. Anslyn, C. Dekker, A. Meller, C. Joo

The emerging landscape of single-molecule protein sequencing technologies

Nature Meth. 18, 604–617 (2021)

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M.Bengtson, M. Bharadwaj, A. ten Bosch, H. Nyakundi, D. Matoke-Muhia, C. Dekker, J.C. Diehl

Matching Development of Point-of-Care Diagnostic Tests to the Local Context: A Case Study of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Kenya and Uganda

Global Health: Science and Practice 8, 549-565 (2020)

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M.G.F. Last, S. Deshpande, C.Dekker

pH-controlled coacervate-membrane interactions within liposomes

ACS Nano 14, 4487–4498 (2020)

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A. Fragasso, S. Schmid, C. Dekker

Comparing current noise in biological and solid-state nanopores

ACS Nano 14, 1338-1349 (2020)

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S. Caneva, M.D. Hermans, M. Lee, A. Garcia-Fuente, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, C. Dekker, J. Ferrer, H.S.J. van der Zant, P. Gehring

A Mechanically Tunable Quantum Dot in a Graphene Break Junction

Nano Lett. 20, 4924–4931 (2020)

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A. Japaridze, C. Gogou, J. W. J. Kerssemakers, H. M. Nguyen, C. Dekker

Direct observation of independently moving replisomes in Escherichia coli

Nature Comm. 11, 3109 (2020)

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K.B. Smith, M. Wehrli, A. Japaridze, S. Assenza, C. Dekker, R. Mezzenga

Interplay between confinement and drag forces determine the fate of amyloid fibrils

Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 118102 (2020)

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E. Kim, J. Kerssemakers, I.A. Shaltiel, C.H. Haering, C. Dekker

DNA-loop extruding condensin complexes can traverse one another

Nature 579, 438–442 (2020)

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J.-K Ryu, A.J. Katan, E.O. van der Sluis, T. Wisse, R. de Groot, C. Haering, C. Dekker

The condensin holocomplex cycles dynamically between open and collapsed states

Nature Struct. Molec. Biol. 27, 1134–1141 (2020)

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A. Fragasso, H.W. de Vries, E.O. van der Sluis, E. van der Giessen, P.R. Onck, C. Dekker

A designer FG-Nup that reconstitutes the selective transport barrier of the Nuclear Pore Complex

Nature Comm. 12, 2010 (2021)

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L. Restrepo-Pérez, C. Heung Wong, G. Maglia, C. Dekker, C. Joo

Label-free detection of post-translational modifications with a nanopore

Nano Lett. 19, 7957-7964 (2019)

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L. Restrepo-Pérez, G. Huang , P.R. Bohländer, N. Worp, R. Eelkema, G. Maglia, C. Joo, C. Dekker

Resolving Chemical Modifications to a Single Amino Acid within a Peptide Using a Biological Nanopore

ACS Nano 13, 13668-13676 (2019)

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S. Deshpande, C. Dekker

Synthetic life on a chip

Emerging Topics in the Life Sciences 3, 559–566 (2019)

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S. Deshpande, S. Wunnava, D. Hueting, C. Dekker

Membrane tension-mediated growth of liposomes

Small 1902898 (2019)

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F. Fanalista, A. Birnie, R. Maan, F. Burla, K. Charles, G. Pawlik, S. Deshpande, G.H. Koenderink, M. Dogterom, C. Dekker

Shape and size control of artificial cells for bottom-up biology

ACS Nano 13, 5439-5450 (2019)

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F. Wu, A. Japaridze, X. Zheng, J.W.J. Kerssemakers, C. Dekker

Direct imaging of the circular chromosome in a live bacterium

Nature Commun. 10, 2194 (2019)

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Y. Kabiri, A. Angelin, I. Ahmed, H. Mutlu, J. Bauer, C.M. Niemeyer, H. Zandbergen, C. Dekker

Intercalating electron dyes for TEM visualization of DNA at the single-molecule level

Chembiochem 20, 822-830 (2019)

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A.J. Perez, Y. Cesbron, S.L. Shaw, J.B. Villicana, H.-C.T. Tsui, M.J. Boersma, Z.A. Ye, Y. Tovpeko, C. Dekker, S. Holden, M.E. Winkler

Movement dynamics of divisome proteins and PBP2x:FtsW in cells of Streptococcus pneumoniae

PNAS, 116, 3211-3220 (2019)

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K. Al Nahas, J. Cama, M. Schaich, K. Hammond, S. Deshpande, C. Dekker, M.G. Ryadnov, U.F. Keyser

A Microfluidic Platform for the Characterisation of Membrane Active Antimicrobials

Lab on a chip 16, 837 (2019)

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D. Verschueren, X. Shi, C. Dekker

Nano-optical tweezing of single proteins in plasmonic nanopores

Small Methods 1800465 (2019)

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Y. Kabiri, R.B.G. Ravelli, T. Lehnert, H. Qi, A.J. Katan, N. Roest, U. Kaiser, C. Dekker, P. Peters, H. Zandbergen

Visualization of unstained DNA nanostructures with advanced in-focus transmission electron microscopy techniques

Scientific Rep. 9, 7218 (2019)

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A. Fragasso, S. Pud, C. Dekker

1/f noise in solid-state nanopores is governed by access and surface regions

Nanotechn. 30, 395202 (2019)

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S. Zhao, L. Restrepo-Pérez, M. Soskine, G. Maglia, C. Joo, Cees Dekker, A. Aksimentiev

Electro-mechanical conductance modulation of a nanopore using a removable gate

ACS Nano 13, 2398-2409 (2019)

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A.M.O. Elbatsh, E. Kim, J.M. Eeftens, J.A. Raaijmakers, R.H. van der Weide, S. Bravo,M. Ganji, J. uit de Bos, H. Teunissen, R.H. Medema, E. de Wit, C.H. Haering, C. Dekker,B.D. Rowland

Distinct Roles for Condensin’s Two ATPase Sites in Chromosome Condensation

Molec. Cell 76, 724-737.e5 (2019)

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M. Schaich, J. Cama, K. Al Nahas, D. Sobota, K. Jahnke, S. Deshpande, C. Dekker, U.F. Keyser

An integrated microfluidic platform for quantifying drug permeation across biomimetic vesicle membranes

Molec. Pharmac. 16, 2494-2501 (2019)

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S. Deshpande, F. Brandenburg, A. Lau, W.K. Spoelstra, L. Reese, S. Wunnava, M. Dogterom, C. Dekker

Spatiotemporal control of coacervate formation within liposomes

Nature Comm. 10, 1800 (2019)

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F.J.H. Hol, G.M. Whitesides, C. Dekker

Bacteria in Paper, a versatile platform to study bacterial ecology

Ecology Lett. 22, 1316-1323 (2019)

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L. Loeff, J. Kerssemakers, C. Joo, C. Dekker

AutoStepfinder: a fast and automated step detection method for single-molecule analysis

Patterns, 2, 100256 (2021)

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F. Wu, P. Swain, L. Kuijpers, X. Zheng, K. Felter, M. Guurink, J. Solari, S. Jun, T.S. Shimizu, D. Chaudhuri, B. Mulder, C. Dekker

Cell boundary confinement sets the size and position of the E. coli chromosome

Current Biology 29, 2131-2144 (2019)

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S. Deshpande and C. Dekker

On chip microfluidic production of cell-sized liposomes

Nature Protocols 13 856–874 (2018)

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A. Ananth, M. Genua, N. Aissaoui, L. Díaz, N.B. Eisele, S. Frey, C. Dekker, R.P. Richter, D. Görlich

Reversible Immobilization of Proteins in Sensors and Solid-state Nanopores

Small 14 1703357(2018)

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S. Deshpande, K. Spoelstra, M. van Doorn, Jacob Kerssemakers, C. Dekker

Mechanical division of cell-sized liposomes

ACS Nano 12, 2560–2568 (2018)

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Y. Caspi and C. Dekker

Dividing the archaeal way: the ancient Cdv cell-division machinery

Frontiers in Microbiology 9 174 (2018)

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S.J. Heerema, L. Vicarelli, S. Pud, R.N. Schouten, H.W. Zandbergen, C. Dekker

Probing DNA translocations with inplane current signals in a graphene nanoribbon with a nanopore

ACS Nano 12 2623–2633 (2018)

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Lithography-based fabrication of nanopore arrays in freestanding SiN and graphene membranes

D.V. Verschueren, W. Yang, C. Dekker

Nanotechnology 29 145302 (2018)

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M. Ganji, I.A. Shaltiel, S. Bisht, E. Kim, A. Kalichava, C.H. Haering, C. Dekker

Real-time imaging of DNA loop extrusion by condensin

Science 360 102-105 (2018)

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P. Cadinu, G. Campolo, S. Pud, J.B. Edel, C. Dekker, A.P. Ivanov

Double barrel nanopores as a new tool for controlling single-molecule transport

Nano Lett. 18 2738–2745 (2018)

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P. Ketterer, A.N. Ananth, D. Laman Trip, A. Mishra, E. Bertosin, M. Ganji, J. van der Torre, P. Onck, H. Dietz, C. Dekker

DNA origami scaffold for studying intrinsically disordered proteins of the nuclear pore complex

Nature Comm. 9, 902 (2018)

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S.H. Kim, M. Ganji, J. van der Torre, E. Abbondanzieri, C. Dekker

DNA sequence encodes the position of DNA supercoils

eLife 7:e36557 (2018)

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A.N. Ananth, A. Mishra, S. Frey, A. Dwarakasing, R. Versloot, E. Van der Giessen, D. Gorlich, P. Onck, C. Dekker

Spatial structure of disordered proteins dictates conductance and selectivity in Nuclear Pore Complex mimics

eLife 7 e31510 (2018)

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L. Restrepo-Pérez, C. Joo, C. Dekker

Paving the Way to Single-Molecule Protein Sequencing

Nature Nanotechn. 13, 786–796 (2018)

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S. Caneva, P. Gehring, V.M. García-Suárez, A. García-Fuente, D. Stefani, I.J. Olavarria-Contreras, J. Ferrer, Cees Dekker, H.S.J. van der Zant

Mechanically Controlled Quantum Interference in Graphene Break Junctions

Nature Nanotechn. 13, 1126–1131 (2018)

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F. Fanalista, S. Deshpande, A. Lau, G. Pawlik, C. Dekker

FtsZ-induced Shape Transformation of Coacervates

Advanced Biosystems 1800136 (2018)

C. Dekker

How we made the carbon nanotube transistor

Nature Electr. 1, 518 (2018)

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W. Yang, L. Restrepo-Pérez, M. Bengtson, S.J. Heerema, A. Birnie, J. van der Torre, C. Dekker

Detection of CRISPR-dCas9 on DNA with solid-state nanopores

Nano Lett. 18, 6469-6474 (2018)

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D.V. Verschueren, S. Pud, X. Shi, L. de Angelis, L. Kuipers, C. Dekker

Label-free optical detection of DNA translocations through plasmonic nanopores

ACS Nano 13, 61-70 (2019)

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X. Shi, D.V. Verschueren, C. Dekker

Active delivery of single DNA molecules into a plasmonic nanopore for label-free optical sensing

Nano Lett. 18 , 8003 - 8010 (2018)

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T. Terekawa, S. Bisht, J.M. Eeftens, C. Dekker, C.H. Haering, E.C. Greene

The condensin complex is a mechanochemical motor that translocates along DNA

Science 358, 672-676 (2017)

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M. Neklyudova, A. Erdamar, L. Vicarelli, S.J. Heerema, T. Rehfeldt, G. Pandraud, Z. Kolahdouz, C. Dekker, H.W. Zandbergen

Through-membrane electron-beam lithography for ultrathin membrane applications

Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 063105 (2017)

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J.M. Eeftens, S. Bisht, J. Kerssemakers, C.H. Haering, C. Dekker

Real-time detection of condensin-driven DNA compaction reveals a multistep binding mechanism

EMBO J. e201797596 (2017)

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J.M. Eeftens and C. Dekker

Catching DNA with hoops – biophysical approaches to clarify the mechanism of SMC proteins

Nature Struct. Molec. Biol. 24 1012 (2017)

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K. Spoelstra, S. Deshpande, C. Dekker

Tailoring the appearance: what will synthetic cells look like?

Current Opinions in Biotechnology 51 47 (2018)

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X. Shi, D. Verschueren, S. Pud, C. Dekker

Integrating sub-3nm plasmonic gaops into solid-state nanopores

Small 1703307 (2017)

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S. Deshpande, A. Birnie, C. Dekker

On-chip density-based purification of liposomes

Biomicrofluidics 11 034106 (2017)

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Y. Kabiri, A.N. Ananth, J. van der Torre, A. Katan, J.-Y. Hong, S. Malladi, J. Kong, H. Zandbergen, C. Dekker

Distortion of DNA origami on graphene imaged with advanced TEM techniques

Small 1700876 (2017)

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R. Vlijm, S. H. Kim, P. de Zwart, Y. Dalal, C. Dekker

The supercoiling state of DNA determines the handedness of both H3 and CENP-A nucleosomes

Nanoscale 9, 1862 – 1870 (2017)

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Y. Nechemia-Arbely, D. Fachinetti, K. H. Miga, N. Sekulic, G. Soni, A. Karwei Wong, A. Young Lee, K. Nguyen, C. Dekker, B. Ren, B. E. Black, D. W. Cleveland

Human centromeric CENP-A chromatin is a homotypic, octameric nucleosome at all cell cycle points

J Cell Biol., 216, 607 (2017)

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D.R. Burnham, B. Nijholt, I. De Vlaminck, J. Quan, T. Yusufzai, C. Dekker

Annealing helicase HARP closes RPA-stabilised DNA bubbles non-processively

Nucl. Acid Res. 45, 4687-4695 (2017)

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A.W. Bisson-Filho, Y.-P. Hsu, G.R. Squyres, E. Kuru, F. Wu, C. Jukes, C. Dekker, S. Holden, M.S. VanNieuwenhze, Y.V. Brun, E.C. Garner

Treadmilling by FtsZ filaments drives peptidoglycan synthesis and bacterial cell division

Science 355, 739-743 (2017)

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L. Restrepo-Pérez, S. John, A. Aksimentiev, C. Joo, C. Dekker

SDS-Assisted Protein Transport Through Solid-State Nanopores

Nanoscale 9 11685 (2017)

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J. Wiktor, M. van der Does, L. Buller, D.J. Sherratt, C. Dekker

Direct observation of end resection by RecBCD during double-stranded DNA break repair in vivo

Nucl. Acid Res., 46, 1821 (2018)

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Y. Caspi, C. Dekker

Mapping out Min protein patterns in fully confined fluidic chambers

eLife 5:e19271

M. Ganji, S. H. Kim, J. van der Torre, E. Abbondanzieri, C. Dekker

Intercalation-based single-molecule fluorescence assay to study DNA supercoil dynamics

Nano Lett. 16 4699 (2016)

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S.H. Kim, R. Vlijm, J. van der Torre, Y. Dalal, C. Dekker

CENP-A and H3 nucleosomes display a similar stability to force-mediated disassembly

Plos One 11 e0165078 (2016)

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S. Pud, S.-H. Chao, M. Belkin, D. Verschueren, T. Huijben, C. van Engelenburg, Cees Dekker, A.. Aksimentiev

Mechanical Trapping of DNA in a Double-Nanopore System

Nano Lett. 16, 8021 (2016)

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J. Wiktor, C. Lesterlin, D. J. Sherratt, C. Dekker

CRISPR-mediated control of the bacterial initiation of replication

Nucleic Acids Research 44 3801-10 (2016)

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S.J. Heerema and C. Dekker

Graphene nanodevices for DNA sequencing

Nature Nanotechn. 11 127–136 (2016)

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S. McGinn et al

New Technologies for DNA analysis

New Biotechnology 33 311 (2016)

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F.J.H. Hol, O. Rotem, E. Jurkevitch, C. Dekker, D.A. Koster

Predator-prey dynamics in micro-scale patchy landscapes

Proc. Roy. Soc. B 283, 20152154 (2016)

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C. Plesa, D. Verschueren, J.W. Ruitenberg, M.J. Witteveen, M.P. Jonsson, A.Y. Grosberg, Y. Rabin, C. Dekker

Direct observation of DNA knots using solid state nanopores

Nature Nanotechn. 11, 1093–1097 (2016)

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S. Deshpande, Y. Caspi, A. Meijering, C. Dekker

Octanol-assisted liposome assembly: A robust method to produce liposomes on chip

Nature Commun. 7 10447 (2016)

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F. Wu, C. Dekker

Nanofabricated structures and microfluidic devices for bacteria: from techniques to biology

Chem. Soc. Rev. 45 268-280 (2016)

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J.M. Eeftens, A.J. Katan, M. Kschonsak, M. Hassler, L. de Wilde, E.M. Dief, C. Haering, C. Dekker

Condensin Smc2–Smc4 dimers are flexible and dynamic

Cell Reports 14 1813-8 (2016)

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F. Wu, J. Halatek, M Reiter, E. Kingma, E. Frey, C. Dekker

Multistability and dynamic transitions of intracellular Min protein patterns

Molecular Systems Biology 12 837 (2016)

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C. Plesa, C. Dekker

Data analysis methods for solid-state nanopores

Nanotechn. 26 084003 (2015)

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S.J. Heerema, G.F. Schneider, M. Rozemuller, L. Vicarelli, H. W. Zandbergen and C. Dekker

1/f noise in graphene nanopores

Nanotechn. 26 074001 (2015)

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M. Muthukumar, C. Plesa, C. Dekker

Single-molecule sensing with nanopores

Physics Today 68, 40 (2015)

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R. Vlijm, A. Mashaghi, S. Bernard, M. Modesti, C. Dekker

Experimental phase diagram of negatively supercoiled DNA measured by magnetic tweezers and fluorescence,

Nanoscale 7, 3205-3216 (2015)

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L. Vicarelli, S.J. Heerema, C. Dekker, H.W. Zandbergen

Controlling defects in graphene for optimizing the electrical properties of graphene nanodevices

ACS Nano 4 3428 (2015)

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F. Wu, E. van Rijn, B.G.C. van Schie, J.E. Keymer, C. Dekker

Multicolor imaging of the bacterial nucleoid and cell division proteins with blue, orange, and near-infrared fluorescent proteins

Frontiers Microbiol. 6 607 (2015)

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M. Belkin, S.-H. Chao, M. Jonsson, C. Dekker, A. Aksimentiev

Plasmonic nanopores for trapping, controlling displacement, and sequencing of DNA

ACS Nano9 10598–10611 (2015)

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J. Eeftens, J. van der Torre, D.R. Burnham, C. Dekker

Copper-free click chemistry for attachment of biomolecules in magnetic tweezers

BMC Biophys. 8 9 (2015)

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R. Vlijm, M. Lee, O. Ordu, A. Boltengagen, A. Lusser, N.H. Dekker, C. Dekker

Comparing the assembly and handedness dynamics of (H3.3-H4)2 tetrasomes to canonical tetrasomes

Plos One 10 e0141267 (2015)

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C. Plesa, J.W. Ruitenberg, M.J. Witteveen, C. Dekker

Detection of individual proteins bound along DNA using solid state nanopores

Nano Lett. 15 3153–3158 (2015)

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F. J.H. Hol, P. Galajda, R.G. Woolthuis, C. Dekker, J.E. Keymer

The idiosyncrasy of spatial structure in bacterial competition

BMC research notes, 8, 245 (2015)

A.C. Ferrari et al

Science and technology roadmap for graphene, related two-dimensional crystals, and hybrid systems

Nanoscale 7 4598-4810 (2015)

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R. Vlijm, M. Lee, J. Lipfert, A. Lusser, C. Dekker, N.H. Dekker

Nucleosome assembly dynamics involve spontaneous fluctuations in the handedness of tetrasomes

Cell Reports 10 216 – 225 (2015)

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Y. Li, F. Nicoli, C. Chen, L. Lagae, G. Groeseneken, T. Stakenborg, C. Dekker, P. Van Dorpe, M.P. Jonsson

Photoresistance Switching of Plasmonic Nanopores

Nano Lett. 15 776–782 (2015)

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T.R. Blosser, L. Loeff, E.R. Westra, M. Vlot, T. Künne, M. Sobota, C. Buyzerd, C. Dekker, S.J.J. Brouns, C. Joo

Two distinct DNA binding modes guide dual roles of a CRISPR-Cas protein complex

Molec. Cell 58 60–70 (2015)

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C. Plesa, N. van Loo, P. Ketterer, H. Dietz, C. Dekker

Velocity of DNA during translocation through a solid state nanopore

Nano Lett. 15 732–737 (2015)

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F.J.H. Hol, B. Hubert, C. Dekker, J.E. Keymer

Density dependent adaptive resistance allows swimming bacteria to colonize an antibiotic gradient

Int. Soc. Microb. Ecol. J. 10, 30 (2015)

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C. Plesa, N. van Loo,C. Dekker

DNA nanopore translocation in glutamate solutions

Nanoscale 7 13605-13609 (2015)

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F. Wu, B.G.C. van Schie, J. E. Keymer, C. Dekker

Symmetry and scale orient Min protein patterns in shaped bacterial sculptures

Nature Nanotechn. 10, 719–726 (2015)

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S. Pud, D. Verschueren, N. Vukovic, C. Plesa, M.P. Jonsson,C. Dekker

Self-aligned plasmonic nanopores by optically controlled dielectric breakdown

Nano Lett. 15, 7112-7 (2015)

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J.W.J. Kerssemakers, T.R. Blosser, C. Dekker

A simple self-calibrating method to measure the height of fluorescent molecules and beads with nanometer resolution

Nano Lett. 14 4469 (2014)

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A. Mashaghi and C. Dekker

Systems and synthetic biology approaches to cell division

Systems and Synthetic Biology 8 173–178 (2014)

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FJH Hol, MJ Voges, C Dekker, JE Keymer

Nutrient-responsive regulation determines biodiversity in a colicin-mediated bacterial community

BMC Biology 12:70 (2014)

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Y. Caspi and C. Dekker

Divided we stand: splitting synthetic cells for their proliferation

Systems and Synthetic Biology 8 249-269 (2014)

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A.J. Katan, R. Vlijm, A. Lusser, C. Dekker

Dynamics of nucleosomal structures measured by high-speed Atomic Force Microscopy

Small 8 976–984 (2014)

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D.R. Burnham, I. De Vlaminck, T. Henighan, C. Dekker

Skewed Brownian fluctuations in single-molecule magnetic tweezers

Plos One 9 e108271 (2014)

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F.J.H. Hol and C. Dekker

Zooming in to see the bigger picture: using nanofabrication to study bacteria

Science 346 1251821 (2014)

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F. Nicoli, D. Verschueren, C. Dekker, M. P. Jonsson

DNA Translocation through Solid-State Plasmonic Nanopores

Nano Lett. 14, 6917–6925 (2014)

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F. J.H. Hol, P. Galajda, K. Nagy, R.G. Woolthuis, C. Dekker, J.E. Keymer

Spatial structure facilitates cooperation in a social dilemma: empirical evidence from a bacterial community

Plos One 8: e77042. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0077042 (2013)

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C. Plesa, L. Cornelissen, M.W. Tuijtel, C. Dekker

Non-equilibrium folding of individual DNA molecules recaptured up to 1000 times in a solid state nanopore

Nanotechnology 24 475101 (2013)

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C. Plesa, A. Ananth, V. Linko, C. Gülcher, A. Katan, H. Dietz, C. Dekker

Ionic permeability and mechanical properties of DNA origami nanoplates on solid-state nanopores

ACS Nano 8 35–43 (2014)

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A. Mashaghi, A. Katan

A physicist’s view of DNA

De Physicus 24e 3 59-61 (2013)

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G.F. Schneider, Q. Xu, S. Hage, S. Luik, J.N.H. Spoor, S. Malladi, H. Zandbergen C. Dekker

Tailoring the hydrophobicity of graphene nanopores

Nature Communications 4 2619 (2013)

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M.T.J. van Loenhout, I. De Vlaminck, B. Flebus, J.F. den Blanken, L. Zweiffel, K.M. Hooning, J.W.J. Kerssemakers, C. Dekker

Scanning a DNA molecule for bound proteins using hybrid magnetic and optical tweezers

Plos One 8 e65329 (2013)

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Q. Xu, M.Y. Wu, G. Schneider, L. Houben, S. Malladi, C. Dekker, E. Yucelen, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, H.W. Zandbergen

Controllable Atomic Scale Patterning of Freestanding Monolayer Graphene at Elevated Temperature

ACS Nano 7 1566-1572 (2013)

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G.V. Soni, M.P. Jonsson , C. Dekker

Periodic modulation of optical tweezers near solid-state membranes

Small 9 679 (2013)

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M.P. Jonsson , C. Dekker

Electrical Profiling of Optical Intensity Landscapes with a Plasmonic Nanopore

Nano Lett. 13 1029 (2013)

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C. Plesa, S.W. Kowalczyk, R. Zinsmeester, A. Y. Grosberg, Y. Rabin, C. Dekker

Fast Translocation of Proteins through Solid State Nanopores

Nano Lett. 13 658 (2013)

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M.T.J. van Loenhout, J. Kerssemakers , I. De Vlaminck, C. Dekker

Non-bias-limited tracking of spherical particles, enabling nanometer resolution at low magnification

Biophys. J. 102 Issue 10 2362 (2012)

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J. Männik, F. Wu, F.J.H. Hol, P. Bissichia, D. Sherratt, J.E. Keymer, C. Dekker

Robustness and accuracy of cell division in Escherichia coli in diverse cell shapes

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (USA) 109 6957 (2012)

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I. De Vlaminck, Th. Henighan, M.T.J. van Loenhout, D. Burnham, C. Dekker

Magnetic forces and DNA mechanics in multiplexed magnetic tweezers

PLOS One 7 e41432 (2012)

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I. De Vlaminck and C. Dekker

Recent Advances in Magnetic Tweezers

Ann. Rev. Biophys. 41 453 (2012)

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R. Vlijm, J. S.J. Smitshuijzen, A. Lusser, C. Dekker

NAP1-assisted nucleosome assembly on DNA measured in real time by single-molecule magnetic tweezers

PLOS One 7 e46306 (2012)

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S.W. Kowalczyk and C. Dekker

Salt and voltage dependence of the conductance blockade induced by translocation of DNA and RecA filaments through solid-state nanopores

in ‘Nanopores for bioanalytical applications’, Edited by J. Edel and T. Albrecht (Royal Society Chemisty, 2012)

C. Dekker

Als fysicus aan de slag in de nanobiologie

Ned. Tijdschr. Natuurk. 78, 286 (2012)

G. Schneider and C. Dekker

DNA sequencing with nanopores

Nature Biotechn. 30 326 (2012)

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I. De Vlaminck, M. T.J. van Loenhout, L. Zweifel, J. den Blanken, K. Hooning, S. Hage, J. Kerssemakers, C. Dekker

Mechanism of homology recognition in DNA recombination from dual-molecule experiments

Molec. Cell 46 616 (2012)

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S.W. Kowalczyk, D.B. Wells, A. Aksimentiev, C. Dekker

Slowing down DNA translocation through a nanopore in lithium chloride

Nano Lett.12 1038 (2012)

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A.R. Hall, J.M. Keegstra, M.C. Duch, M.C. Hersam, C. Dekker

Measuring Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes with Solid-State Nanopores

Book chapter in ‘Nanopore-based technology: single molecule characterization and DNA sequencing’, (Ed. M. Gracheva,; Humana Press, 2011) as the volume on “Nanopore Sequencing technology” in the series ‘Methods in Molecular biology ‘ (series editor J.M. Walker) Volume 870, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-61779-773-6, p. 227-239 (2012)

F. Hol and C. Dekker

Bacteriën in nanokanalen en micro-steden

Ned. Tijdschr. Natuurk. 78, 240 (2012)

G.V. Soni and C. Dekker

Detection of Nucleosomal Substructures using Solid State Nanopores

Nano Lett. 12 3180 (2012)

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S.W. Kowalczyk and C. Dekker

Measurement of the docking time of a DNA molecule onto a solid-state nanopore

Nano Lett. 12 4159-63 (2012)

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X.J.A. Janssen, M.P. Jonsson, C. Plesa, G.V. Soni, C. Dekker, N.H. Dekker

Rapid manifacturing of low-noise membranes for nanopore sensors by Trans-chip Illumination Lithography

Nanotechnology 23 475302 (2012)

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M.T.J. van Loenhout, M.V. de Grunt, C. Dekker

Dynamics of DNA supercoils

Science 338 94-97 (2012)

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V.E. Calado, G.F. Schneider, A.M.M.G. Theulings, C. Dekker, L.M.K. Vandersypen

Formation and control of wrinkles in graphene by the wedging transfer method

Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 103116 – 103116-3 (2012)

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B. Song, G.F. Schneider, Q. Xu, G. Pandraud, C. Dekker, H. Zandbergen

Atomic-scale electron-beam sculpting of defect-free graphene nanostructures

Nano Lett. 11 2247–2250 (2011)

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Stefan W. Kowalczyk, Timothy R. Blosser, Cees Dekker

Biomimetic nanopores: learning from and about nature

Trends in Biotechnology. 29 607-614 (2011)

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A.R. Hall, J. M. Keegstra, M. C. Duch, M. C. Hersam, C. Dekker

Translocation of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Through Solid-State Nanopores

Nano Lett. 11 2446-50 (2011)

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S.W. Kowalczyk, A.Y. Grosberg, Y. Rabin, C. Dekker

Modeling the conductance and DNA blockade of solid-state nanopores

Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 315101. PDF Supplementary Material|

S.W. Kowalczyk and C. Dekker

Nanogaatjes voor DNA-analyse

Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 77(5) 2011

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A.J. Katan and C. Dekker

High-speed AFM reveals the dynamics of single biomolecules at the nanometer scale

Cell 147 979-982 (2011)

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I. De Vlaminck, Th. Henighan, M.T.J. van Loenhout, I. Pfeiffer, J. Huijts, J. Kerssemakers, A. Katan, A. van Langen-Suurling, E. van der Drift, Claire Wyman, C. Dekker

Highly parallel magnetic tweezers by targeted DNA tethering

Nano Lett. 11 5489 (2011)

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A.R. Hall and C. Dekker

Molecular Detection and Force Spectroscopy in Solid-State Nanopores with Integrated Optical Tweezers

Book chapter to be published in ‘Nanopores: Sensing Fundamental Biological Interactions at the Single Molecule Level’ (Eds. R. Bashir, S. Iqbal; Springer, 2011).

J.T. Holthausen, M. van Loenhout, H. Sanchez, D. Ristic, S.i van Rossum-Fikkert, M. Modesti, T. Thorslund, S.C. West, C. Dekker, R. Kanaar, C. Wyman

Effect of the BRCA2 CTRD domain on RAD51 filaments analyzed by an ensemble of single molecule techniques

Nucl. Acid Res.39 6558 (2011)

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S.W. Kowalczyk, L. Kapinos, T.R. Blosser, T. Magalhaes, P. van Nies,R.Y.H. Lim, C. Dekker

Single-molecule transport across an individual biomimetic nuclear pore complex

Nature Nanotechnology 6, 433–438 (2011). PDF Supplementary Material|


I. De Vlaminck, I. Vidic, M. van Loenhout, R. Kanaar, J.H.G. Lebbink, C. Dekker

Torsional regulation of hRPA-induced unwinding of double stranded DNA

Nucl. Acid Res. 38 4133-4142 (2010)

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S.W. Kowalczyk, M.W. Tuijtel, S.P. Donkers, C. Dekker

Unraveling Single-Stranded DNA in a Solid-State Nanopore

Nano Lett 10 1414–1420 (2010)

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G.F. Schneider, V.E. Calado, H. Zandbergen, L.M.K. Vandersypen, C. Dekker

Wedging transfer of nanostructures

Nano Lett. 10 1912–1916 (2010)

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A.R. Hall, A. Scott, D. Rotem, K.l Mehta, H. Bayley, C. Dekker

Hybrid pore formation by directed insertion of alpha hemolysin into solid-state nanopores

Nature Nanotechnology 5 874–877 (2010)

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G.F. Schneider, S.W. Kowalczyk, V. E. Calado, G. Pandraud, H. Zandbergen, L.M.K. Vandersypen, C. Dekker

DNA translocation through graphene nanopores

Nano Lett. 10 3163–3167 (2010)

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I. Heller, S. Chatoor, J. Männik, M.A.G. Zevenbergen, C. Dekker, S.G. Lemay

Influence of electrolyte composition on liquid-gated carbon-nanotube and graphene transistors

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132 17149–17156 (2010)

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A .R. Hall, J.M. Keegstra, M.C. Duch, M.C. Hersam, C. Dekker

Measuring Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes with Solid-State Nanopores

Book chapter to be published in ‘Nanopore-based technology: single molecule characterization and DNA sequencing’, (Ed. M. Gracheva,; Humana Press, 2011) as the volume on “Nanopore Sequencing technology” in the series ‘Methods in Molecular biology ‘ (series editor J.M. Walker)

J. Männik, F. Sekhavati, J. E. Keymer, C. Dekker

Bacteria in submicron channels and microvalves

Proc. μTAS2010 (14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 3-7 October 2010 Groningen The Netherlands) p. 1376-1378 (2010)

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M. van den Hout, A.R. Hall, M.-Y. Wu, H.W. Zandbergen, C. Dekker, N.H. Dekker

Controlling Nanopore Size, Shape, and Stability

Nanotechnology 21 115304 (2010)

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I. Heller, S. Chatoor, J. Männik, M.A.G. Zevenbergen, J.B. Oostinga, A.F. Morpurgo, C. Dekker, S.G. Lemay

Charge Noise in Graphene Transistors

Nano Lett. 10 1563–1567 (2010)

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D. Stein, Z. Deurvorst, F.H.J. van der Heyden, W.J.A. Koopmans, A. Gabel, C. Dekker

Electrokinetic Concentration of DNA Polymers in Nanofluidic Channels

Nano Lett. 10 765–772 (2010)

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I. Dujovne, J. Kerssemakers, G. Cappello, C. Dekker

Interference technique for minimally invasive, subnanometer, microsecond measurements of displacements

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81 016103 (2010)

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S.W. Kowalczyk, A.R. Hall, C. Dekker

Detection of local protein structures along DNA using solid-state nanopores

Nano Lett. 10 324–328 (2010)

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R.M.M Smeets, S.W. Kowalczyk, A.R. Hall, N.H. Dekker, C. Dekker

Translocation of RecA-coated Double-Stranded DNA Through Solid-State Nanopores

Nano Letters 9 (9): 3089-3095 (2009)

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M.Y. Wu, R.M.M Smeets, M. Zandbergen, U. Ziese, D. Krapf, P.E. Batson, N.H. Dekker, C. Dekker, H.W. Zandbergen

Control of Shape and Material Composition of Solid-State Nanopores

Nano Letters 9 479-484 (2009)

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I. Heller, J. Mannik, S.G. Lemay, C. Dekker

Optimizing the Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Biosensing with Carbon Nanotube Transistors

Nano Letters 9 377-382 (2009)

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R.M.M. Smeets, N.H. Dekker, C. Dekker

Low Frequency Noise in Solid-State Nanopores

Nanotechnology 20 095501 (2009)

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S. van Dorp, U.F. Keyser, N.H. Dekker, C. Dekker, Serge G. Lemay

Origin of the electrophoretic force on DNA in solid-state nanopores

Nature Physics 5 347-351 (2009)

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G.M. Skinner, M. van den Hout, O. Broekmans, C. Dekker, N.H. Dekker

Distinguishing Nucleic Acids Using Solid-State Nanopores

Nano Letters, 9 (8), 2953-2960 (2009) PDF Supporting Information|

J. Männik, R. Driessen, P. Galajda, J. E. Keymer, C. Dekker

Bacterial Growth and Motility in Sub-Micron Constrictions

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (35) 14861-6 (2009)

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M.T.J. van Loenhout, T. van der Heijden, R. Kanaar, C. Wyman, C. Dekker

Dynamics of RecA filaments on single stranded DNA

Nucleic Acids Research 37 4089-4099 (2009)

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D. Stein, M.G.L. van den Heuvel, C. Dekker

Transport of ions, DNA polymers, and microtubules in the nanofluidic regime

Book chapter in ‘Nanofluidics: nanoscience and nanotechnology’ edited by J.B. Edel and A.J. deMello (RSC Publ Cambridge 2009) p. 1-30

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I.Heller, S. Chatoor, J. Männik, M. A. G. Zevenbergen, C. Dekker, S. G. Lemay

Comparing the weak and strong gate-coupling regimes for nanotube and graphene transistors

Physica Status Solidi – Rapid Research Letters 3 190 – 192 (2009)

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I. Heller, W.T.T. Smaal, S.G. Lemay, C. Dekker

Probing macrophage activity with carbon nanotube sensors

Small 5 2528-2532 (2009)

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A.R. Hall, S. van Dorp, S.G. Lemay, C. Dekker

Electrophoretic Force on a Protein-Coated DNA Molecule in a Solid-State Nanopore

Nano Letters 9 4441-4445 (2009)

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R. Seidel, J.P.G. Bloom, C. Dekker, and M.D. Szczelkun

Motor step size and ATP coupling efficiency of the dsDNA translocase EcoR124I

EMBO J. 27, 1388–1398

M.G.L. van den Heuvel, R. Bondesan, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino, C. Dekker

Single-molecule observation of anomalous electro-hydrodynamic orientation of microtubules

Phys. Rev. Lett.. 101, 118301 (2008)

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E. Šišáková, M. Weiserová, C. Dekker, R. Seidel, M. D. Szczelkun

The Interrelationship of Helicase and Nuclease Domains during DNA Translocation by the Molecular Motor EcoR124I

J. Mol. Biol. 384, 1273–1286 (2008)

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F.J.M. Hoeven, F.S. Meijer, C. Dekker, S.P.J. Albracht, H.A. Heering, S.J. Lemay

Towards single-enzyme voltammetry: [NiFe]-hydrogenase protein film voltammetry at nanoelectrodes

ACS Nano 2 , 2497–2504 (2008)

P. McEuen and C. Dekker

Synthesizing the future

ACS Chemical Biology 3, 10–12 (2008)

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I. Dujovne, M. van den Heuvel, Y. Shen, M. de Graaff, C. Dekker

Velocity Modulation of Microtubules in Electric Fields

Nano Letters 8 (12) 4217-4220 (2008)

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I. Heller, A. M. Janssens, J. Männik, E. D. Minot, S. G. Lemay, C. Dekker

Identifying the Mechanism of Biosensing with Carbon Nanotube Transistors

Nano Letters 8 (2) 591-595 (2008)

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M.G.L. van den Heuvel, M.P. de Graaff, C. Dekker

Microtubule curvatures under perpendicular electric forces reveal a low persistence length

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105: 7941-6 (2008)

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J. Männik, I. Heller, A.M. Jannsens, S.G. Lemay, C. Dekker

Charge noise in liquid-gated single-wall carbon nanotube Transistors

Nano Letters 8 (2) 685-688 (2008)

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F.J.M. Hoeben, I. Heller, S.P.J. Albracht, C. Dekker, S.G. Lemay, H.A. Heering

Polymyxin-coated Au and carbon nanotube electrodes for stable [NiFe]-hydrogenase film voltammetry

Langmuir 24 5925-5931 (2008)

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T. van der Heijden, M. Modesto, S. Hage, R. Kanaar, C. Wyman, C. Dekker

Homologous recombination in real time: DNA strand exchange by RecA

Molecular Cell, 30, 530-538 (2008) PDF Supplementary Material|

T. van der Heijden and C. Dekker

Monte Carlo simulations of protein assembly, disassembly, and linear motion on DNA

Biophysical Journal, doi:10.1529/biophysj.108.135061, (2008) PDF Monte Carlo code|

D.J. Bonthuis, C. Meyer, D. Stein, C. Dekker

Conformation and dynamics of DNA confined in slit-like nanofluidic channels

Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 108303 (2008)

M. van den Hout, S. Hage, C. Dekker, N.H. Dekker

End-Joining Long Nucleic Acid Polymers

Nucleic Acids Research 36e104 (2008)

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R. Smeets, U. F. Keyser, N. H. Dekker, C. Dekker

Noise in Solid-state Nanopores

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


C. Dekker

Solid-state nanopores

Nature Nanotechnology 2, 209–215(2007)

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T. van der Heijden, R. Seidel, M. Modesti, R. Kanaar, C. Wyman, C. Dekker

Real-time assembly and disassembly of human RAD51 filaments on individual DNA molecules

Nucleic Acids Research 35: 5646-5657 (2007): doi: 10.1093/nar/gkm629 (2007)

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E.D. Minot, A.M. Janssens, I. Heller, H.A. Heering, C. Dekker, S. G. Lemay

Carbon nanotube biosensors: the critical role of the reference electrode

Applied Physics Letters

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M.G.L. van den Heuvel, S. Bolhuis, C. Dekker

Persistance length measurement from stochastic single-molecule trajectories

Nano Letters

M.G.L. van den Heuvel, C. Dekker

Motor Proteins at Work for Nanotechnology

Science 317: 333-336 (2007)

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F.H.J. van der Heyden, D.J. Bonthuis, D. Stein, C. Meyer, C. Dekker

Power Generation by Pressure-Driven Transport of Ions in Nanofluidic Channels

Nano Letters 7: 1022-1025 (2007)

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M. Modesti, D. Ristic, T. van der Heijden, C. Dekker, J. van Mameren, E.J.G. Peterman, G.J.L. Wuite, R. Kanaar, C. Wyman

Fluorescent Human RAD51 Reveals Multiple Nucleation Sites and Filament Segments Tightly Associated along a Single DNA Molecule


T. van der Heijden, F. Moreno-Herrero, R. Kanaar, C. Wyman, C. Dekker

AFM Tip-Induced Dissociation of RecA-dsDNA Filaments


B.J. LeRoy, I. Heller, V.K. Pahilwani, C. Dekker, S.G. Lemay

Simultaneous electrical transport and scanning tunneling spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes

Nano Letters : Accepted (2007)

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P.A. Wiggins, T. Van der Heijden, F. Moreno-Herrero, A. Spakowitz, R. Phillips, J. Widom, C. Dekker, P.C. Nelson

High flexibility of DNA on short length scales probed by atomic force microscopy

Nature Nanotechn. 1, 137-141 (2006)

M.G.L. van den Heuvel, M.P. de Graaff, S.G. Lemay, C. Dekker

Electrophoresis of individual Microtubules in Microchannels

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 104 (19): 7770-7775 (2007)

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M.G.L. van den Heuvel, M.P. de Graaff, C. Dekker

Molecular sorting by electrical steering of microtubules in kinesin-coated channels

Science: 312 (5775): 910-914 (2006)

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P.D. Jarillo-Herrero, J.Kong, H.S.J. van der Zant, C. Dekker, L.P. Kouwenhoven, S. De Franceschi

Tunable orbital pseudospin and multi-level Kondo effect in carbon nanotubes

Properties of Novel Nanostructures AIP conference proceedings H Kuzmany, J Fink, M Mehring, & S Roth (Eds.) 786: 482-489 (2005) Kirchberg, Austria: AIP.: undefined

L.K. Stanley, R. Seidel, C. van der Scheer, N.H. Dekker, M.D. Szczelkun, C. Dekker

When a helicase is not a helicase: dsDNA tracking by the motor protein EcoR124I

EMBO Journal: 25 (10): 2230-2239 (2006)

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I. Heller, J. Kong, K. A. Williams, C. Dekker, S.G. Lemay

Electrochemistry at Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: The Role of Band Structure and Quantum Capacitance

Journal of the American Chemical Society: 128 (22): 7353-7359 (2006)

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U.F. Keyser, B.N. Koeleman, D. Krapf, R.M.M. Smeets, S.G. Lemay, N.H. Dekker, C. Dekker

Direct force measurements on DNA in a solid-state nanopore

Nature Physics: 2 (7): 473-477 (2006)

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R.M.M. Smeets, U.F. Keyser, M.Y. Wu, N.H. Dekker, C. Dekker

Nanobubbles in solid-state nanopores

Physical Review Letters: 97 (8): Art. No. 088101 (2006)

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D. Krapf, B.M. Quinn, M.-Y. Wu, H.W. Zandbergen, C. Dekker, S.G. Lemay

Experimental observation of nonlinear ionic transport at the nanometer scale

Nano Letters: 6 (11): 2531-2535 (2006)

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H. A. Heering, K.A. Williams, S. de Vries, C. Dekker

Specific Vectorial Immobilization of Oligonucleotide-Modified Yeast Cytochrome c on Carbon Nanotubes

ChemPhysChem: 7 (8): 1705-1709 (2006)

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F.H.J. van der Heyden, D.J. Bonthuis, D. Stein, C. Meyer, C. Dekker

Electrokinetic energy conversion effciency in nanofluidic channels

Nano Letters: 6 (10): 2232-2237 (2006)

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U. F. Keyser, J. van der Does, C. Dekker, N.H. Dekker

Optical tweezers for force measurements on DNA in nanopores

Review of Scientific Instruments: 77 (10): Art. No. 105105 (2006)

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T. van der Heijden, F. Moreno-Herrero, R. Kanaar, C. Wyman, C. Dekker

Comment on: “Direct and Real-Time Visualization of the Disassembly of a Single RecA-DNA-ATP S Complex Using AFM Imaging in Fluid”

Nano Letters (1): 137-141 (2006) PDF: undefined

P.A. Wiggins, T. van der Heijden, F.Moreno-Herrero, A. spakowitz, R. Phillips, J. Widom, C. Dekker, P.C. Nelson

High flexibility of DNA on short length scales probed by atomic force microscopy

Nature Nanotechnology: 1(): 137-141 (2006)

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D. Stein, F.H.J. van der Heyden, W. Koopmans, C. Dekker

Pressure-driven transport of DNA polymers confined in fluidic channels

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 103 (43): 15853-15858 (2006)

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F.H.J. van der Heyden, D. Stein, K. Besteman, S.G. Lemay, C. Dekker

Charge inversion at high ionic strength studied by streaming currents

Physical Review Letters: 96 (22): Art. No. 224502 (2006)

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R.M.M. Smeets, U.F. Keyser, D. Krapf, M.Y. Wu, N.H. Dekker, C. Dekker

Salt dependence of ion transport and DNA translocation through solid-state nanopores.

Nano Letters: 6 (1): 89-95 (2006)

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D. Krapf, M.Y. Wu, R. M. M. Smeets, H. W. Zandbergen, C. Dekker, S.G. Lemay

Fabrication and Characterization of Nanopore-Based Electrodes with Radii down to 2 nm.

Nano Letters: 6 (1): 105-109 (2006)

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S. Sapmaz, P. Jarillo-Herrero, Ya. M. Blanter, C. Dekker, and H.S.J. van der Zant

Tunneling in suspended carbon nanotubes assisted by stretching modes

Physical Review Letters: 96 (2): Art. No. 026801 (2006)

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M.G.L. van den Heuvel, M.P. de Graaff, C. Dekker

Op afstand bestuurbare eiwit

Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 1-4 September 2006

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P. Jarillo-Herrero, J. Kong, H. S.J. van der Zant, C. Dekker, L. P. Kouwenhoven, S. De Franceschi

Electronic transport spectroscopy of carbon nanotubes in a magnetic field

Physical Review Letters: 94 (15): Art. No. 156802 (2005)

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A.J. Storm, J. Chen, H.W. Zandbergen, C. Dekker

Translocation of double-strand DNA through a siliconoxide nanopore

Physical Review E: 71 (5): Art. No. 051903 (2005)

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H.W. Zandbergen, B.J.H.A. van Duuren, P.F.A. Alkemade, G. Lientschnig, O.Vasquez, C. Dekker, F.D. Tichelaar

Sculpting nano-electrodes with a transmission electron beam for electrical and geometrical characterization of nanoparticles.

Nano Letters: 5 (3): 549-553 (2005)

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A. J. Storm, C. Storm, J. Chen, H.W. Zandbergen, J.F. Joanny, C. Dekker

Fast DNA translocation through a solid-state nanopore

Nano Letters: 5 (7): 1193 -1197 (2005)

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S.G. Lemay, D.M. van den Broek, A.J. Storm, D. Krapf, R.M.M. Smeets, H.A. Heering, C. Dekker

Lithographically fabricated nanopore-based electrodes for electrochemistry

Analytical Chemistry: 77 (6): 1911-1915 (2005)

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J. Kong, B.J. LeRoy, S.G. Lemay, C. Dekker

Integration of a gate electrode into carbon nanotube devices for scanning tunneling microscopy

Applied Physics Letters: 86 (11): Art. No. 112106 (2005)

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S. Sapmaz, P. Jarillo-Herrero, J. Kong, C. Dekker, L.P. Kouwenhoven, H.S.J. van der Zant

Electronic excitation spectrum of metallic carbon nanotubes

Physical Review B: 71 (15): Art. No. 153402 (2005)

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J.A. Abels, F. Moreno-Herrero, T. van der Heijden, C. Dekker, N.H. Dekker

Single-Molecule Measurements of the Persistence Length of double-stranded RNA

Biophysical Journal: 88 (4): 2737-2744 (2005)

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M.G.L. van den Heuvel, C.T. Butcher, S.G. Lemay, S. Diez, C. Dekker

Electrical docking of microtubules for kinesin-driven motility in nanostructures

Nano Letters: 5 (2): 235-241 (2005)

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I. Heller, J. Kong, H. A. Heering, K. Williams, S. Lemay, C. Dekker

Individual single-walled carbon nanotubes as nanoelectrodes for electrochemistry

Nano Letters: 5 (1) 137-142 (2005)

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D.A. Koster, V. Croquette, C. Dekker, S. Shuman, N.H. Dekker

Friction and torque govern the relaxation of DNA supercoils by eukaryotic topoisomerase IB

Nature: 434 (7033): 671-674 (2005)

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P. Jarillo-Herrero, J. Kong, H. S.J. van der Zant, C. Dekker, L. P. Kouwenhoven, S. De Franceschi

Orbital Kondo effect in carbon nanotubes

Nature: 434 (7032): 484-487 (2005)

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A. J. Storm, J.H. Chen, X.S. Ling, H.W. Zandbergen, C. Dekker

Electron-beam-induced deformations of SiO2 nanostructures

Journal of Applied Physics: 98 (1): Art. No. 014307 (2005)

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B.M. Quinn, C. Dekker, S.G. Lemay

Electrodeposition of noble metals nanoparticles on carbon nanotubes

Journal of the American Chemical Society: 127 (17): 6146-6147 (2005)

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B.J. LeRoy, J. Kong, V.K. Pahilwani, C. Dekker, S.G. Lemay

Three-terminal scanning tunneling spectroscopy of suspended carbon nanotubes

Physical Review B: 72 (7): Art. No. 075413 (2005)

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T. van der Heijden, J. van Noort, H. van Leest, R. Kanaar, C. Wyman, N.H. Dekker, C. Dekker

Torque-limited RecA polymerization on dsDNA

Nucleic Acids Research: 33 (7): 2099-2105 (2005)

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D. Ristic, M. Modesti, T. van der Heijden, S.J.T. van Noort, C. Dekker, R. Kanaar, C. Wyman

Human Rad51 filaments on double- and single-stranded DNA: correlating regular and irregular forms with recombination function.

Nucelic Acids Research: 33 (10): 3292-3302 (2005)

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M.G.L. van den Heuvel, C.T. Butcher, R.M.M. Smeets, S. Diez, C. Dekker

High Rectifying Efficiencies of Microtubule Motility on Kinesin-Coated Gold Nanostructures

Nano Letters: 5 (6): 1117-1122 (2005)

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U.F. Keyser, D. Krapf, B. N. Koeleman, R. M. M. Smeets, N. H. Dekker, C. Dekker

Nanopore tomography of a laser focus

Nano Letters: 5 (11): 2253-2256 (2005)

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F.H.J. van der Heyden, D. Stein, C. Dekker

Streaming currents in a single nanofluidic channel

Physical Review Letters: 95 (11): Art. No. 116104 ()

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R. Seidel, J. G. P. Bloom, J. van Noort, C. F. Dutta, N. H. Dekker, K. Firman, M. D. Szczelkun, C. Dekker

Dynamics of initiation, termination and reinitiation of DNA translocation by the motor protein EcoR124I

EMBO Journal: 24 (23): 4188-4197 (2005)

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F. Moreno-Herrero, M. de Jager, N. H. Dekker, R. Kanaar, C. Wyman, C. Dekker

Meso-scale conformational changes in Rad50/Mre11 upon DNA binding: implications for DNA tethering

Nature: 437 (7057): 440-443 (2005) PDF Movie 1 & Movie 2|

F. Moreno-Herrero, L. Holtzer, D. Koster, S. Shuman, C. Dekker, N.H. Dekker

Atomic force microscopy shows that vaccinia topoisomerase IB generates filaments on DNA in a cooperative fashion

Nucleic Acids Research: 33 (18): 5945-5953 (2005)

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P. Jarillo-Herrero, S. Sapmaz, C. Dekker, L.P. Kouwenhoven, H.S.J. van der Zant

Electron-hole symmetry in a semiconducting carbon nanotube quantum dot

Nature: 429 (6990): 389-392 (2004)

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N. H. Dekker, J. A. Abels, P. T. M. Veenhuizen, C. Dekker

Joining of Long Double-stranded RNA Molecules through Controlled Overhangs

Nucleic Acids Research: 32 (18): Art. No. e140 (2004)

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S.J.T. van Noort, T. van der Heijden, C. F. Dutta, W. Lisle, K. Firman, C. Dekker

Initiation of Translocation by Type I Restriction-Modification Enzymes is Associated with a Short DNA Extrusion

Nucleic Acids Research: 32 (22): 6540-6547 (2004)

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P. Jarillo-Herrero, S. Sapmaz, C. Dekker, L.P. Kouwenhoven, H.S.J. van der Zant

A Few Electron-Hole Semiconducting Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dot

Proceedings of the International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials (Kirchberg, 2004): undefined

R. den Dulk, K.A. Williams, P. T.M. Veenhuizen, M. de Koning, M. Overhand, C. Dekker

Self-Assembly Experiments with PNA-Derivatized Carbon Nanotubes

AIP Proceedings of the Symposium on DNA-Based Molecular Electronics, May 13-15, 2004, Jena, Germany: undefined

S.J.T. van Noort, S. Verbrugge, N. Goosens, C. Dekker, R.T. Dame

Dual Architectural Roles of HU: Formation of Flexible Hinges and Rigid Filaments

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA: 101(18): 6969-6974 (2004)

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B.J. LeRoy, S.G. Lemay, J. Kong, C. Dekker

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of suspended single-wall carbon nanotubes

Applied Physics Letters: 84 (21): 4280-4282 2004

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D. Stein, M. Kruithof, C. Dekker

Surface-charge-governed ion transport in nanofluidic channels

Physical Review Letters: 93 (3): Art. No. 035901 (2004)

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R. Seidel, J. van Noort, C. van der Scheer, J. Bloom, N. Dekker, C. F. Dutta, A. Blundell, T. Robinson, K. Firman, C. Dekker

Real-Time Observation of DNA Translocation by the Type I Restriction-Modification Enzyme EcoR124I

Nature Structural & Molecular Biology: 11 (9): 838-843 (2004)

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H. A. Heering, F.G.M. Wiertz, C. Dekker, S. de Vries

Direct immobilization of native yeast iso-1 cytochrome c on bare gold: fast electron relay to redox enzymes and zeptomole protein-film voltammetry

Journal of the American Chemical Society: 126 (35): 11103-11112 (2004)

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J. Kong, L.P. Kouwenhoven, C. Dekker

Quantum change for nanotubes

Physics World July issue: 17 (2004) WEB LINK: undefined

B.J. , S.G. Lemay, J. Kong, C. Dekker

Electrical generation and absorption of phonons in carbon nanotubes

Nature: 432 (7015): 371-374 (2004)

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S.J.T. van Noort, T. van der Heijden, M. de Jager, C. Wyman, R. Kanaar, C. Dekker

The coiled-coil of the human Rad50 DNA repair protein contains specific segments of increased flexibility

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA: 100 (13): 7581-7586 (2003) cover article

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J.-O Lee, G. Lientschnig, F.G.M. Wiertz, M. Struijk, R.A.J. Janssen, R. Egberink, D.N. Reinhoudt, A. Grimsdale, K. Mullen, P. Hadley, C. Dekker

Electrical transport study of phenylene-based p-conjugated molecules in a three-terminal geomtery

Annals New York Acad. Sciences, accepted for publication: undefined

Th. Maltezopoulos, A. Kubetzka, M. Morgenstern, R. Wiesendanger, S.G. Lemay, C. Dekker

Confined states in extended metallic nanotubes

Applied Physics Letters: 83 (5): 1011-1013 (2003)

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A.J. Storm, J.H. Chen, X.S. Ling, H.W. Zandbergen, C. Dekker

Fabrication of solid-state nanopores with single nanometer precision

Nature Materials: 2 (8): 537-540 (2003)

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A. Filoramo, C. Dekker, U. Sivan, C. Schönenberger, M.E. Michel-Beyerle

Highlights from DNA-based electronic project

Phantoms Newsletter Issue 10/11: 4-6 (2003): undefined

S.J. Tans, R.G. Miedema, L.J. Geerligs, C. Dekker, J. Wu, D. Neher, G. Wegner

Electronic transport in monolayers of phthalocyanine polymers

Nanotechnology: 14 (9): 1043-1050 (2003)

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K. Besteman, J.-O Lee, F.G.M. Wiertz, H.A. Heering, C. Dekker

Enzyme-coated carbon nanotubes as single-molecule biosensors

Nano Letters: 3 (6): 727-730 (2003)

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C. Dekker

Nanotechnologie, fascinatie voor het kleine

Diesrede, 161ste Dies Natalis, 10 januari 2003, TU Delft: undefined

J.-O Lee, G. Lientschnig, F.G.M. Wiertz, M. Struijk, R.A.J. Janssen, R. Egberink, D.N. Reinhoudt, P. Hadley, C. Dekker

Absence of strong gate effects in electrical measurements on phenylene-based conjugated molecules

Nano Letters: 3 (2): 113-117 (2003)

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M. Thorwart, M. Grifoni, H.W.Ch. Postma, C. Dekker

Correlated tunneling in intramolecular carbon nanotube quantum dots.

Physical Review Letters: 89 (19): 196402 (2002)

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A.W. Dunn, E. D. Svensson, C. Dekker

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of C60 adsorbed on Si(100)-(2×1).

Surface Science: 498 (3): 237-243 (2002)

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J.W. Janssen, S.G. Lemay, L.P. Kouwenhoven, C. Dekker

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on crossed carbon nanotubes.

Physical Review B: 65 (11): Art. No. 115423 (2002)

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G. Cuniberti, L. Craco, D. Porath, C. Dekker

Backbone-induced semiconducting behavior in short DNA wires

Physical Review B: 65 (24): Art. No. 241314 (2002)

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T. Nakanishi, A. Bachtold, C. Dekker

Transport through the interface between a semiconducting carbon nanotube and a metal electrode

Physical Review B: 66 (7): Art. No. 073307 (2002)

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A. Bachtold, P. Hadley, T. Nakanishi, C. Dekker

Logic circuits with carbon nanotubes

AIP Conference Proceedings: 633: 502-507 (2002)

K.A. Williams, P.T.M. Veenhuizen, B.G. de la Torre, R. Eritja, C. Dekker

Towards DNA-Mediated Self Assembly of Carbon Nanotube Molecular Devices

AIP Conference Proceedings: 633: 444-448 (2002)

K.A. Williams, P.T.M. Veenhuizen, B.G. de la Torre, R. Eritja, and C. Dekker

Carbon Nanotubes with DNA recognition

Nature: 420 (6917): 761 (2002)

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C. Dekker, M. A. Ratner

Electronic properties of DNA.

Physics World: 14 (8): 29-33 (2001)

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A. Bachtold, P. Hadley, C. Dekker

Logic circuits with carbon nanotube transistors Science 294, 1317 (2001)

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S.G. Lemay, J.W. Janssen, M. van den Hout, M. Mooij, M.J. Bronikowski, P.A. Willis, R.E. Smalley, L.P. Kouwenhoven, C. Dekker

Two-dimensional imaging of electronic wavefunctions in carbon nanotubes.

Nature 412 (6847): 617-620 (2001) cover article

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H.W. Ch. Postma, T.F. Teepen, Z. Yao, C. Dekker;

1/f noise in carbon nanotubes.

Electronic correlations: from meso- to nano-physics: Proceedings of the XXXVIth Rencontres de Moriond, Th. Martin and G. Montambaux, Les Ulis (eds), EDP Sciences (France), January 20-27: 433-436, 2001

M. de Jager, S.J.T. van Noort, D.C. van Gent, C. Dekker, R. Kanaar, C. Wyman

Human Rad50/Mre11 is a flexible complex that can tether DNA ends.

Molecular Cell: 8 (5): 1129-1135 (2001) cover article

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C. Dekker

Single-molecule electronics from carbon nanotubes to DNA.

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Z. Yao, C. Dekker, Ph. Avouris

Electrical transport through single-wall carbon nanotubes.

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P. Hadley, C.P. Heij, G. Lientschnig, T.F. Teepen, H.W.Ch. Postma, C. Dekker

Single-electron effects in metals and nanotubes for nanoscale circuits.

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H.W.Ch. Postma, T.F. Teepen, Z. Yao, M. Grifoni, C. Dekker

Carbon nanotubes single-electron transistors at room temperature.

Science: 293 (5527): 76-79 (2001)

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J.W. Janssen, S. G. Lemay, M. van den Hout, M. Mooij, L. P. Kouwenhoven, C. Dekker

Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on a carbon nanotube buckle.

Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics Conference, H. Kuzmany, S. Roth, M. Mehring, J. Fink (eds.): Kirchberg, Oostenrijk, March 3-10 591: 293-297 (2001)

A.J. Storm, S.J.T. van Noort, S. de Vries, C. Dekker

Insulating behavior for DNA molecules between nanoelectrodes.

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M. van den Hout, J.W. Janssen

Elektrongolven in koolstof nanobuisjes.

Nederlandse Tijdschriften voor Natuurkunde: 67 (10): 294-297 (2001)


O.C. Mantel, F. Chalin, C. Dekker, H.S.J. van der Zant, Y.I. Latyshev, B. Pannetier, P. Monceau

Charge-density-wave current conversion in submicron NbSe3 wires

Physical Review Letters: 84 (3): 538-541 (2000)

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L.C. Venema, V. Meunier, Ph. Lambin, C. Dekker

Atomic structure of carbon nanotubes from scanning tunneling microscopy

Physical Review B: 61 (4): 2991-2996 (2000)

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H.W.Ch. Postma, Z. Yao, C. Dekker

Electron addition and excitation spectra of individual single-wall carbon nanotubes

Journal of Low Temperature Physics: 118 (5-6): 495-507 (2000)

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S. Rogge, A. W. Dunn, T. Melin, C. Dekker, L.J. Geerligs

Electrical transport through ultrathin ordered K3C60 films on Si

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Z. Yao, C.L. Kane, C. Dekker

High-field electrical transport in single-wall carbon nanotubes

Physical Review Letters: 84 (13): 2941-2944 (2000)

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Ph. Lambin, A.A. Lucas, S. Amelinckx, C. Dekker

Determination of the helicity of the nanotubes

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H.W.Ch. Postma, A. Sellmeijer, C. Dekker

Manipulation and imaging of individual single-wall carbon nanotubes with an atomic force microscope

Advanced Materials: 12 (17): 1299-1302 (2000)

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S.J. Tans and C. Dekker

Molecular Transistors – Potential modulations along carbon nanotubes

Nature: 404 (6780): 834-835 (2000)

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S.P. Rubio, Apell, L.C. Venema, C. Dekker

A mechanism for cutting carbon nanotubes with a scanning tunneling microscope

The European Physical Journal B: 17 (2): 301-308 (2000)

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L.C. Venema, J.W. Janssen, M.R. Buitelaar, J.W.G. Wildoer, S. Lemay, L.P. Kouwenhoven, C. Dekker

Spatially resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopy on single-walled carbon nanotubes

Physical Review B: 62 (8): 5238-5244 (2000)

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L.C. Venema and C. Dekker

Carbon nanotubes

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D. Porath, A. Bezryadin, S. de Vries, C. Dekker

Direct Measurements of Electrical Transport Through DNA Molecules

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H.W.Ch. Postma, M. de Jonge, Z. Yao, C. Dekker;

Electrical transport through carbon nanotube junctions created by mechanical manipulation.

Physical Review B: 62 (16): R10653-R10656 (2000)

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L.C. Venema, J.W.G. Wildoer, S.J. Tans, J.W. Janssen, H. Temminck Tuinstra, L. P. Kouwenhoven, C. Dekker

Imaging electron wave functions of quantized energy levels in carbon nanotubes

Science: 283 (5398): 52-55 (1999)

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C. Dekker

Carbon nanotubes as molecular quantum wires

Physics Today,: 52 (5): 22-28 (1999)

O.C. Mantel, C.A.W. Bal, C. Langezaal, C. Dekker, H.S.J. van der Zant

Lithographic patterned wires of the charge-density-wave conductor Rb0.30Mo03

Journal of Applied Physics: 86 (8): 4440-4445 (1999)

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O.C. Mantel, F. Chalin, C. Dekker, H.S.J. van der Zant, Y.I. Latyshev, B. Pannetier, P. Monceau

Submicron structures of the charge-density-wave conductor NbSe3

Synthetic Metals: 103 (1-3): 2612-2615 (1999)

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O.C. Mantel, C.A.W. Bal, C. Langezaal, C. Dekker, H.S.J. van der Zant

Sliding charge-density-wave transport in micron-sized wires of Rb0.30Mo03

Physical Review B: 60 (8): 5287-5294 (1999)

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Z. Yao, H.W.Ch. Postma, L. Balents, C. Dekker

Carbon nanotube intramolecular junctions

Nature: 402 (6759): 273-276 (1999)

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S. J. Tans, A. R. M. Verschueren, C. Dekker

Room-temperature transistor based on a single carbon nanotube

Nature: 393 (6680): 49-52 (1998)

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S.J. Tans, M.H. Devoret, R.J.A. Groeneveld, C. Dekker

Electron-electron correlations in carbon nanotubes

Nature: 394 (6695): 761-764 (1998)

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Bezryadin, A. R. M. Verschueren, S. J. Tans, C. Dekker

Multiprobe transport experiments on individual single-wall carbon nanotubes

Physics Review Letters: 80 (18): 4036-4039 (1998)

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J. W. G.Wildoer, L. C. Venema, A. G. Rinzler, R. E. Smalley, C. Dekker

Electronic structure of atomically resolved carbon nanotubes

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Temperature dependent resistivity of single-wall carbon nanotubes

Europhysics Letters: 41 (6): 683-688 (1998)

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L.C. Venema, J.W.G. Wildoer, C. Dekker, A.G. Rinzler, R.E. Smalley

STM atomic resolution images of single-wall carbon nanotubes

Applied Physics A: 66: S153-S155 (1998)

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J. Liu, H. Dai, J. H. Hafner, D. T. Colbert, R. E. Smalley, S. J. Tans, and C. Dekker

Fullerene crop circles

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Individual single-wall nanotubes as quantum wires

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C. Dekker, S. J. Tans, L. J. Geerligs, A. Bezryadin, J. Wu, and G. Wegner

Towards transport on single molecules: first results on nanofabrication and phthalocyanine polymers

in Atomic and Molecular Wires, eds. C. Joachim and S. Roth (Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1997), p. 129-138

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STM imaging and spectroscopy of single copperphthalocyanine molecules

Synthetic Metals 84, 853 (1997)

O. C. Mantel, H.S.J. van der Zant, A.J. Steinfort, C. Traeholt, and C. Dekker

Orientation of the charge-density-wave chains in thin films of Rb0.30MoO3

Synthetic Metals 86, 2193 (1997)

S. J. Tans, L.J. Geerligs, C. Dekker, J. Wu, and G. Wegner

Electrical transport in monolayers of phthalocyanine molecular wires and AFM imaging of a single wire bridging two electrodes

Synthetic Metals 84, 733 (1997)

H. S. J. van der Zant, O. C. Mantel, C. P. Heij, and C. Dekker

Photolithographic patterning of the charge-density-wave conductor Rb0.30MoO3

Synthetic Metals 86, 1781 (1997)

O. C. Mantel, H.S.J. van der Zant, A. J. Steinfort, C. Dekker, C. Traeholt, and H. W. Zandbergen

Thin films of the charge-density-wave oxide Rb0.30MoO3 by pulsed-laser deposition

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J. Liu, H. Dai, J. H. Hafner, D.T. Colbert, R.E. Smalley, S.J. Tans, C. Dekker

Fullerene crop circles

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S.J. Tans, M.H. Devoret, H. Dai, A. Thess, R.E. Smalley, L.J. Geerligs, C. Dekker

Individual single-wall nanotubes as quantum wires

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STM imaging and spectroscopy of single copperphthalocyanine molecules

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O.C. Mantel, H.S.J. van der Zant, A.J. Steinfort, C. Traeholt, C. Dekker

Orientation of the charge-density-wave chains in thin films of Rb0.30Mo03

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O.C. Mantel, H.S.J. van der Zant, A.J. Steinfort, C. Dekker, C. Traeholt, H.W. Zandbergen

Thin films of the charge-density-wave oxide Rb0.30Mo03 by pulsed-laser depostition

Physical Review B: 55 (7): 4817-4824 (1997)

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S.J. Tans, L.J. Geerligs, C. Dekker, J. Wu, G. Wegner

Electrical transport in monolayers of phthalocyanine molecular wires and AFM imaging of a single wire bridging two electrodes

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Nanofabrication of electrodes with sub-5 nm spacing for transport experiments on single molecules and metal clusters

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Electrostatic trapping of single conducting nanoparticles between nanoelectrodes

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Length control of individual carbon nanotubes by nanostructuring with the scanning tunneling microscope

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Deposition and atomic force microscopy of individual phthalocyanine polymers between nanofabricated electrodes

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Thin-film growth of the charge-density-wave oxide Rb0.30MoO3

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Finite-Size Effects on the Vortex-Glass Phase Transition in Thin YBa2Cu3O7 Films

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The Superconducting Phase of YBa2Cu3O7 Films in High Magnetic Fields: Vortex Glass or Bose Glass

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Magnetic Field Effects on Switching Noise in a Quantum Point Contact

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